small changes can lead to big differences.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Well, it's that time of the year again - it's time for me to move. I have one week left here - the big big move should be on Thursday I believe. I hope to be out of here by the weekend because being here is stressing me O.U.T!!! just being in school full time and moving to TWO places at once is pretty ridiculous. I don't even want to think about the idea of WORK starting up again in a week!!! Yikes!!

Once I'm out of this apartment, I feel like the quality of my life will improve significantly. I have soo much to do here - paint, clean, pack and move.. once it's all done I will feel so much happier. It's also about 90 degrees in this apartment too - it's cooler OUTSIDE than it is inside!! WTF?

Anyway, that's what's going on over here - why I'm not around. Hopefully I can write more in a week or so once I'm settled in. I have to go now and pack more...


Sunday, May 9, 2010

you know what's cool?

Having an awesome mom. My mom rules. I brag about my childhood to everyone. We did so much with so little - we weren't poor but we certainly weren't (and still aren't) rich. But we were.. creative.
Every summer we made a page long list of things we wanted to do. I distinctively remember adding "Put on a play of a Berenstein Bear's book in the living room" - we picked one of our favorite Berenstein Bear books and tried our best to act it out. Every year we were avid library-summer readers. I think for a few years in a row, I won the award of "reading the most books"! Every day, we were doing something fun and exciting. My mom also sacrificed her life, basically, for us. She stopped working and was a full time mom. My dad worked 40 hours a week, so she was stuck with us all the time. (my 2 brothers and I) I really think she enjoyed almost every minute of it, though!

mommy and daddy! together for 30 years! woah. 

I've never been to Florida or any of the Disney places. I have no desire to go, really. We went to 6 flags a few times (each time eating lunch in the parking lot, which was way more fun than eating at one of those gross restaurants!) Splash Down Dunes (the BEST place ever-  I plan on going sometime this summer! NO!! upon looking it up, I found out they CLOSED!! I'm sooo sad now.) and I practically lived at our community pool. When friends would brag about going to Disney World, I'd be like "what is that?" haha.

What I'm trying to say is that you don't need a lot to get the most out of life. I am 23 now, and I'm not sure if it's the way I was raised or if it's just me, but I don't need a lot to love my life. (Sure, I have a LOT... but half of what I own is inventory!) I don't need nice things (as stated in previous blog post) but I think that my mom raised us to be crafty, creative and smart - make the best with what you have.

I feel so lucky, even today. My mom supports me no matter what I do. When I told her "oh yea, I'm gonna be traveling to SouthEast Asia all by myself for two months" she said "Go." (my dad is another story..) but she understands that I need to be me. I do insane things like travel by myself at the age of 20. When I decided that I wanted to go to school for design, she was happy for me. She doesn't question me unless it's the "good" kind of questioning- to help me figure out what I'm trying to figure out. She believes in me and will always be my #1 fan. I can call her almost any time of the day and talk to her, vent, or ask her questions about life. Neither one of my parents judge me - although my dad has a hard time understanding me, but a lot of people have that problem ;)

So, here's to you mom! You are the best mom I could ask for. I'm probably the way I am because of you and dad. I am so proud of who I've become, how FAR I've come, and how far I know I'll go to follow my dreams. Thanks for sticking by me for the entire journey so far, and I hope you will stick with me for many many many more years!!!!

Love always,

Saturday, May 8, 2010


If you follow me on Twitter or are friends with me on Facebook, you've already been bombarded with this! But I'm so excited - I'm making scrunchies! I'm using all upcycled or found fabric, which means I haven't bought any of it from a retailer. I used some vintage elastic but I'm about to head out and get some more. Exciting! I don't know when they'll get in my shop, but if you're interested let me know! They are just $3 each, plus $1 for shipping! Here's a photobooth photo, better photos coming later!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Another Closing Chapter.

I won't lie. I am so emotional when it comes to "moving on". When I moved out of my parent's house, I cried for days. I was 21 and living an hour away in a city where I barely knew anyone. I didn't even know how to work the busses. I missed my dogs, my bed, my room, my backyard.. everything. When I moved into my second apartment, I wasn't really leaving too much behind. I had the same roommate, the same stuff, just a better place.

Now in three weeks (which will go by extremely fast)  I will be leaving more behind. My roommate is moving to Wisconsin, I'm leaving the city (if only for 3 months) and everything I've come accustomed to over the past 2 years. No more busses, no more el, no more biking with ease. Hello, suburbia.

I'm technically moving back home. I'll actually be staying at Juli's place for the month of June (still in Chicago) and in July, I'll be backpacking through central america. I'm not planning too much out for when I get back, but I know (or at least I hope) I can figure out a way back to Logan Square. It won't be the same, though. and I know that when I leave this apartment & my roommate, I will be so sad.

For a small moment in time when these things happen, I feel miserable. I feel depressed and sad and I long for the year before when we didn't know what the future would bring. I miss the very bedroom I have grown to despise (because it's the size of a closet) and I think that nothing will ever be the same.

But, with everything, it passes. I miss it for awhile, I miss the routine, but things always get better. I'm moving & traveling because it's what I want to do and it's a great opportunity. I plan on coming back to Logan Square (because I can't imagine living anywhere else in the city) and I know that I'll jump right back into a routine - probably a better one.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

a deadly sin.


This morning, even though I biked to school instead of taking the el (can you believe it takes the SAME amount of time!?) I was early to class. As I sat down to get my books out to start studying, I was joined by another classmate of mine. We started talking about things, like Chicago, California, school, and then work. I don't know how we got on the topic, but I had mentioned that money alone doesn't motivate me and how I don't really need nice things. She responded with "Oh not me, I'm so greedy".

I don't know why, but that comment struck me as so unappealing. I never thought I'd hear someone boast on how greedy they were, or talk about it like it was a good thing. Yet she talked about how she lives in a nice place and wants to be famous and likes nice things and just wants a lot of money. None of this is a bad thing, it just made me realize I'm in a totally different world. (Which, I gotta say, I'm totally okay with.)

Money is complicated. I have always much preferred trading (although I will be honest, I am not a good candidate to trade on Etsy. Since I don't personally NEED things and try not to get things that I don't really want, I almost never trade - but i AM open to it so PLEASE ask!) or bartering. I think you get more out of life that way. But, that's just me and I am not in any way saying that this way is better than $$. It is just who I am!

A good thing that happened today: for some reason, several students asked me how old I was. I said 23. They were all shocked and said I looked younger. Win!

until next time,

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

cordinated craft show!

Last week, I helped Juli of Cordinated Cables with her 2nd ever craft show! Columbia college was hosting a "DIY event" and invited local artists to come show off their goods. It was fun! We sat next to the Red Bull booth which was promoting "can art" or something. They were giving away free Red Bull. I'm not really a fan.. at all... but it was freeeee.. plus they had Sugar Free Red Bull so I had to try it! Nope, still don't like it.. Sorry!

Anyway.. Juli had a great display and we met some cool people! No cords were sold, but it was fun doing mad libs and conversing with kids (the kids who are all my age or 2 years younger hah). The place also gave us free [delicious] food! epic greatness x 10!

setting up

cordinated cords! literally, we cordinated them by color. MIND BLOWING!

this is me having fun with my 4 year old camera!

If you haven't already, PLEASE check out Cordinated Cables! Even if you don't play any instruments, do it. They make amazing gifts for your rock star girlfriend.. or boyfriend.. hehe. and they are unique and colorful!

This one is my favorite:

until next time!!!

Monday, May 3, 2010

fishing boats.

fishing boats.

koh tao (turtle island) thailand

june, 2007

facebook ads

A few days ago, I was sitting here surfing the web and I just thought I'd see where the "Promote your page" button would take me on Facebook. Before I knew it, I had my credit card out and I was placing an ad! This entry is all about that in-between process.

Facebook ads, and I'm sure there are plenty of helpful links on FB explaining this - are fairly easy to figure out. You write a description of what you're advertising ("Affordable and colorful Vintage Clothing and Accessories by Marjie W! New items added daily!"), upload a photo and choose where you want your ad to link. For me, I chose my Facebook page, simply because people can become "fans" (or whatever the term is these days) right away. You have to be a member of Etsy to favorite a shop, and a lot of people don't feel like going through that process just to be like "I want to favorite this shop!" Sure, they might see my shop and say "oh my gosh I NEED to buy this!" but I figured I'd just play it safe and link it to my FB page.

You can choose to pay by clicks or per 1,000 impressions. I chose impressions because I know there will be tons of clicks and not a lot of saving-of-the-page going on. I pay .28 per 1,000 impressions. You can bid on how much you want to pay - I actually just changed my bid to .25 to see what happens. I will let you know.

Another cool thing is that YOU set your target market by putting in keywords. Since I am very international-shipping friendly, I chose to target a couple different countries. I added a lot of tags such as "vintage clothing, 80s, retro" etc. to narrow it down. Just put what works for you! And the great part is that you can always go back and change the ad! If you don't like the photo you chose or you'd like it to say something else, it's easy to manage!

So far I've noticed about 17-20 new fans. It's great! I really have no idea how many sales are from fans, but I don't really mind. I set it to charge me $2.00 a day so that's a couple thousand impressions. I think it is totally worth it to try and you don't really lose that much money!

Good luck and let me know how it goes! xox

Sunday, May 2, 2010

PARTY! + bake sale + craft show + hockey.

Yesterday was my party + craft show! Juli, Shannon and I set up tables in my apartment with all of our vintage and crafts on display for people to come and look, have a drink and buy some baked goods. At first I was quite worried that it wasn't going to work - we have sooo much stuff in our apartment, it isn't even funny. But before everyone got there, I moved some pieces of furniture and books down to the basement & gave my mom things to take home (I'm moving home for the summer, and we're all moving out at the end of May) and because I did all that, it really did work perfectly.

It was $5 for all you can drink (we spent about $70 on beer and drinks and mixes) and all the proceeds from the bake sale went to help out a great animal rescue group called Triple R Pets. They work a lot with Feral Cats and TNR'ing them. (trap-neuter-return - it is the root of the animal overpopulation problem! Once the feral cats are fixed, that's one less litter of kittens ending up in a shelter!) We raised $20 for them, which is great!

donation dino + cupcakes! thank you, mom, for baking all of these AND the 100 cookies!

Shannon sold 6.. yes SIX!! of her amazing bead art frames. It definitely helps that our entire circle of friends are either IN the video game industry or love video games! Juli sold a cord to my neighbor! and I sold my pac man coasters + a dress that I had hanging up in my mini indoor garage sale.

andy is always so happy.

my table:

I didn't put much out because I was so busy putting everything together and being a host!

shannon & her table of bead art!

cords and vintage!

garage sale!

some more of my stuff. i love my tablecloths!

All in all it was super fun! The party was put on pause for the Hawks/Canucks game, but after that we played Apples to Apples and hung out some more. It was so fun and I know this won't be the last time we do something like this!! Enjoy the photos - they were taken by Juli, of course!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

rickety bridge.

Nha Trang, Vietnam

July, 2007