small changes can lead to big differences.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Lulu's Locker featured in Tails Magazine!

I foster cats for a local animal rescue called Lulu's Locker Rescue. They rescue cats and dogs from shelters around the Chicago area, as well as Chicago Animal Control. Their main concern are cats with FIV+ and black dogs and cats, which statistically are the least adopted animals. (Don't know why, I have 3 animals that are black and they're the best ever!) FIV+ cats are often overlooked and not given a chance because of their condition, but with proper nutrition, care, and health check-ups, they can live long healthy lives just like regular cats!

Recently, three of their cats were featured in the popular Tails Magazine which is circulated all around Chicago! What a great way to get the word out about our rescue and - hopefully - attract new volunteers and foster parents!

Duke and Earl got their own feature  - aren't these two brothers the sweetest?! 

And wise old Tom, who is actually just 2 years old! His interview is very silly! 

If you live in the Chicago land area and would like to volunteer your time with the animals, click here! 

Sometimes, having someone drive or transport an animal can be the biggest help. If you've got access to a car and would like to help with vet transports or adoption events, don't hesitate to email us! 

We also have a wish-list of items that we need for our foster homes.

  • Canned cat and dog food
  • Dry cat and dog food
  • Coupons for cat and dog food
  • New or gently used cat carriers
  • Cat toys (ping pong balls, catnip toys, wand toys, laser pointers, etc.)
  • Dog toys (tennis balls, rope toys, chew toys, etc.)
  • New or gently used towels, blankets, and linens
  • New or gently used cat litter boxes
  • New or gently used leashes and collars
  • Cat litter
  • Cat litter scoops
  • Cat nail clippers
  • Scratching posts (cardboard or sisal-covered ONLY; no carpet-covered scratchers, please)
  • Feliway products (diffuser, refill, or spray)
  • 8.5 x 11 copy paper
  • Gift certificates or new product donations for silent auction and raffle
  • Foster homes!
  • Event space, music, entertainment, catering, or sponsorship for fundraising events

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

wednesday shop update!

After a successful trip to the suburbs (dentist appointment, hang out with the family + dogs, go to like 15 thrift stores..) I've made a huge shop update! I found some truly awesome things in the suburbs, including duffle bags (always a popular item!) coffee mugs, scarves and more.

Christmas season is just a few months away, so the time to start shopping will be soon! I hope to have a shop full of gift-able items for you and your close friends.

I'm off to work now, for the next four days. Austin/ Syracuse / Jacksonville.. see you there!

lightweight vinyl duffle

these shoes are amazing! both are size 6 narrow. 

anyone with a Halloween wedding can appreciate this!

super sweet children's scarves 

Friday, August 3, 2012

The World May Never Dance Again

Last night my friends dragged me to the Music Box to see "Shut Up and Play the Hits" - the docufilm about LCD Soundsystem's last performance at Madison Square Gardens on April 3rd, 2011.

For some reason, I agreed to go last week, but as time drew nearer I was like "ugh, I've only heard a few songs, why am I going to this?" but after watching the trailer, I was instantly excited.

You don't need to be a huge LCD Soundsystem fan to see this movie and enjoy it. It's fun to watch, listen and it's very moving. It makes you want to do something great. After the movie I asked my friends if they wanted to be in a band.

I highly recommend taking the time to see this movie if it comes to a theatre near you. It's only an hour and 45 minutes long, but it's full of energizing music and it is even a bit sad. You really, truly feel like something great is ending (which it did, because they're a great band), that the world will never dance again. Needless to say, I decided I'd get their entire discography after I got home.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

tales from 38,000 feet.. part 1

Our four-day trip was relatively smooth until the last day, when we had one leg to Austin at 6:20am.

Our first class was ridiculous. As I stood in the back, I watched as one of our passengers held up the entire line. I couldn't believe how long it was taking for her to sit in her seat - and it was one thing after another. After we got up in the air, my other FA told me what was taking so long. Our first class passenger needed her insulin refrigerated, couldn't understand what "gate check" meant, and insisted on trying to fit her bag in the overhead bin. Gently, my co-worker removed the bag and gate checked it. The passenger also made clear that she's a very inexperienced flier, which is no big deal but we didn't realize how inexperienced she really was.

I started to do my service. As you may recall, aircrafts have tiny aisles, and only the beverage cart fits in between the seats. This means you cannot pass while the flight attendant is doing her service. I get to the first row, and after I tell a disgruntled cowgirl (literally, she had boots, jean skirt and a shirt that said "TEXAS" on) that we couldn't offer her milk or lemons in her tea, I step back to retrieve her hot water and one of our other passengers in first jumps up and tries to go past my cart.

The operating of a beverage cart is not impossible, but I don't recommend you try to touch it when the flight attendant is 2 rows away. I calmly tell my first class passenger that there's no way to pass to go to the bathroom, and here, let me move my cart out of your way before someone gets hurt.

As I complete my service (having to go back to the galley again because our passenger came back from the lav..) my FA tells me, frantically but in a good way, that she had to open the liquor. "I was NOT anticipating opening this liquor! I can't believe I have to count it. When they ordered their drinks, I was like.. 'you want.. you want liquor?!!!' "

Because, remind you, it's 6:30 AM on a Wednesday and they're drinking - no, downing - bloody mary's and baileys. We don't usually judge, but this was just bizarre.

Since I was finished with my service, I got the full experience of our first class group. Our lovely lady who held up the flight during boarding was just out of this world. I watched as she helplessly tried to figure out her tray table. (My co-worker and I decided we weren't going to baby her. She had to learn on her own!) Then, as I was glancing at a magazine (because FA's don't read, of course!) I all of a sudden hear something crash and fall. Our lady has gone and spilled everything on her tray table - and her dentures have fallen out of her mouth. My co-worker went over and helped her pick up the trash and I saw her pause as she realized what that.. thing.. was on the ground. Our lady just laughed and laughed.

As I walked by to check on my cabin, she stopped me and asked me quietly.. "do you have any special secrets on using the lavatory?" and my mind could only come up with one answer. "WHAT?"

And again, as I walk by to do another check, "Could you tell me, because I have an connecting flight to Europe, where the best United Lounges are?" "Oh, I'm sorry, I'm not sure - we never go into the clubs" "Oh, that's right! You don't go into the clubs because You don't work for United!" "No, we're flight attendants. We don't go into the lounges." (I have this reoccurring problem of answering peoples questions bluntly and obviously. Yes, I know where all of the lounges are, but I have no idea which ones are better and if there are any differences. I tend to not offer any more information than I'm asked. My co-worker was much smarter than I was, and directed our lady to the nearest club, knowing that they're all probably the same.)

Upon deplaning, we're cleaning up and getting ready to go end our trip. But before we go, we marvel in what first class has left for us. Trash, newspapers, dirty magazines and more trash. They couldn't have the decency to hand them to us one of the many times we walked by asking for trash. Couldn't be bothered, too busy living the good life I guess.