small changes can lead to big differences.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Vintage Bazaar

Sunday was the 2nd Vintage Bazaar, and I am so excited I was able to take part in it! I shared a booth with Juli, and we sold our vintage goods for 7 hours. 

Our space 

The turnout was amazing. As soon as the doors opened, people came pouring in! Since our booth was so packed full of clothes and items, there was hardly any room to sit! 

Juli sits on suitcases

I did amazingly well. My goal was to get rid of as many vintage blocks as I could (I had way, way too many!) and I did just that. I am now down to a fraction of the amount I had when I began! I also sold many items that I had posted on Etsy. It feels great to be free of some of the "bulk" - items I have had for months, even years, that I never got around to posting. And it's always refreshing to know that people like my sense of style and the things I pick out! 

people enjoying blocks!

I can't wait for the next one! Now that I know what to expect, I will be even more prepared than I was this time! Men's section, use of more vertical space, and definitely room to sit! 




  1. i probably would have spent an arm and a leg there. it sounds amazing!! and i'm glad you did so well.
